How to do a Murder Mystery Resident Event

We’re shocked, aghast, outraged…at who did it?….No, at the fact that almost all property managers focus only on big bang resident events that can accommodate a lot of residents. It’s understandable why you’d do this. After all, if you are going to spend money, why not do resident events that as many residents as possible can attend? While those types of resident events are usually the way to go, we recommend mixing more intimate events like a murder mystery resident event that only accommodate a few residents.

Why do a resident event that only a few residents can attend?

Easy…these types of events are more intimate and engaging, thus allowing residents to really interact and get to know each other. Plus think about it, when you attend an event with 100 people, how engaged are you? And just how many people do you actually talk to?

Flamingo recently did such an event with Station R Apartments and it was an absolute hit even though it was just for 8 residents.

So just how can you do a Murder Mystery Resident Event?

Murder Mystery Event Overview: This type of event can be done virtually or in-person and are an original spin on the movie clue! A group of 8 to 12 residents are blackmailed and invited to a mansion by a mysterious person named “R.I.P.” It’s a multimedia experience with videos, crime scene photographs, interrogation break out rooms. The best part of this is that this resident event can be done multiple times in different themes – New Year’s Event, Harry Potter, Clue! etc

Duration: 90 – 120 minutes

Estimated Total Cost Range: $400 – $800

How It Works

  • 8-12 residents can participate. If you have a large group you can book multiple events on the same day at the same time, just let us know
  • Each resident is assigned a unique character to play
  • The 90 – 120 minute experience has three 20-minute acts and two 15-minute investigation breakout rooms with an exciting reveal at the end! 
  • It’s a multimedia experience with videos, crime scene photographs, interrogation break out rooms, and more all hosted by a live professional actor

Level of Difficulty for Onsite Property Management: Easy if booked on Flamingo’s event marketplace

What Flamingo will provide

  • Live professional actor / facilitator
  • Suspect names and descriptions (thru email of each participant)
  • A rule sheet
  • Marketing flyer and instructions
  • Zoom meeting link for residents to join virtually
  • Resident RSVP & Rewards App (optional)
  • Post-Event Pictures for your Instagram and other social media

What your team needs to provide

Promote event to residents (send eblasts, post flyers around building, etc)

Suggested Attendance: 8-12 residents

Ways to Spice-up This Resident Event: if it’s in-person, offer pizza delivery for participating residents to enjoy food during the event!

To book this event, create a free account here

Stop Doing Boring Resident events

Flamingo Is How Premier Apartment Communities Do Resident Events

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Including Virtual Events

About Flamingo

Flamingo is an all-in-one platform that makes it easy for property managers to deliver the best resident experience. With Flamingo, you’ll be able to:

  • Organize events in less than 5 minutes.
  • Generate and manage positive reviews on your preferred sites.
  • Build community and engagement through your own branded resident app.
  • Bring all your operations under one fully integrated platform.

If you liked our blog post, you’ll love our platform. Schedule a demo today.



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